Donate $1,000 To Cancer Prevention, And I’ll Write An Article About You
I will interview you for thirty minutes on any topic of your choice — your work, your family, whatever you’d like to talk about — and I’ll turn it into an article of up to 800 words.
I’ll post that article on this newsletter, which goes out to thirteen thousand business people and other remarkable individuals. I’ll put it up on my LinkedIn, which has more than three thousand connections, and I’ll also post it on Medium. So you can do with it as you see fit.
This is all in exchange for a minimum $1,000 donation to my Boston Marathon Dana-Farber Cancer Institute run, coming up this April.
I just ran the Miami half-marathon a week ago Sunday, so I’m tanned, rested, and ready for the big race. Or at least I hope I am!
Dana-Farber is such a great cause. Every dollar we raise goes to cancer research and prevention — not a penny to overhead.
The reason I’m so proud to run for Dana-Farber is that they solve the “catch-22” of cancer research. It works like this: In order to get a grant, you have to demonstrate results. But you cannot demonstrate results until you’ve gotten a grant.
So Dana-Farber uses the more than five million dollars we runners raise each year as “mini-grants” to cancer researchers who have great ideas but need to prove results in a small way, if they can demonstrate those same results in a bigger way. The breakthroughs and innovations that Dana-Farber researchers have contributed are endless.
Here in Boston, Dana-Farber is synonymous with cancer prevention and care. Every community is filled with individuals whose lives have been touched by the great work Dana-Farber physicians, researchers, and team members do every day.
If you want an article, just contact my assistant Susan at She will set the whole thing up. I’m just asking for a $1,000 minimum donation.
If you don’t want an article, that’s fine — please donate generously. The link is:
I hope you’ll donate today.