No, Your Book Is Not A “Vanity Book”
A vanity book is all about how wonderful the author is. Such books accomplish nothing for the world. They simply stoke the ego of the author.
We do not do vanity books.
The clients we attract do books as acts of service. They are contributing to the financial, professional, legal, or health and wellbeing of others by sharing their ideas in the broadest possible manner. Their credentials and experience must of course be a part of the book, but only to give credence to the ideas they share. These books are not all about the author; they are all about the reader.
A physician, a financial advisor, an attorney, a business owner — any professional only has so many hours in a day, so many individuals he or she can influence. A service-driven book extends the reach of that single expert to a considerably broader audience. There is nothing vanity-based about leaving your home and going to your office; that’s how you do your job. Likewise, for our clients there is nothing vanity-based about taking the same ideas they would share with one client or one patient and bringing those ideas to the world.
Ego-driven books are indeed vanity books. But the books we do are acts of service from our clients to the world.